Online dating: How to find the right partner on the web

Before you look at singles online you should take a look at various online dating sites and compare. Serious dating agencies offer a free membership for the first test. In contrast dating sites tend to specialize in quick flirting rather than serious relationships. Its’ good to know before you conclude a premium membership is that you should also check the experiences of other users as well as the formal framework conditions.

Create your online dating profile

The description of your person is of course marketing in their own right. The personal hobbies and interests are crucial here. You should definitely highlight special advantages in order to differentiate yourself from the crowd. What does not contribute to the success of online dating is lies and false information. The more individual and meaningful your information is the more attention you get. Personal contact information should not be made directly accessible to everyone in the profile. A picture is known to say more than a thousand words so choose a decent profile picture carefully and truthfully. An authentic shot of you without Photoshop touch increases your chances immensely.


Being curious in the waiting position after profiling may be tempting but not so promising in online dating. Take the initiative yourself. Gather all your courage and self-confidence and send inquiries to interesting members yourself, preferably several times a week. Individual and honest should be your answers to incoming answers and contact requests.Personal data should be better conserved and consciously published.

Written flirting

Practice creates masters. This also applies to flirting. Virtual flirtations have to do without real nonverbal aids like gestures, facial expressions, clothing, voice and smell. This can be an advantage or a disadvantage depending on personal predispositions. Stuttering, sweaty hands, nervous convulsions and a positive nonverbal subtext are eliminated. Therefore, you should pay attention to the right flirting online using the following tip. Be in online dating authentic, honest, clear, renounce better on conspiratorial phrasing and irony. You have enough time to read everything again and check for spelling before you press the send button.

Conclusion: your first date

Do not delay the first meeting too long but make an appointment to get to know each other. In this way you prevent excessive expectations and thus often associated disappointments. The longer and more intense the written exchange is, the greater the potential for disillusionment will be. Experts speak of the so called projection trap because the exchange of online dating leaves a lot of room for interpretation. This also results in communicative misunderstandings.To recognize true feelings and really get to know someone you need to log in with Russian dating site.